Folks, please bear with me. I have returned from 3 years away from home and
now have many of the subject (honey-do) above. Worked ten hours today on
porch fans and lights, and front of house lights. I am falling behind on my
Mail! But I will catch up.
And CT 33118L was "kneeling" at the right front this morning -after a great
time to and from Ocala for the VTR SE Regional (Professor Higgins was right
-"after a triumph at the ball ...").
Excuses to you ladies of the list, but after 32 years of marriage - met my
wife, Michele, on the way to pick up CT33118L - I'm entitled to make that
statement. So the car is demanding attention -new tube and tire repair
tomorrow - just what I needed! Now you know why I call my car "she". :-).
Art Kelly