Has anyone had this problem?
> TR6 newly rebuilt engine, carbs etc.. The car idles great. Mixture seems
> correct and carbs are balanced. When you rev the car, it sounds great and
> drops right down to the correct idle of about 800 rpm.> Here is the
problem. When you drive the car and run it for a mile or so,
> then try and stop by pressing in the clutch and braking, the idle drops
> to about 300 or less and many times the car stalls (quits). This happens
> all of the time. If you try and give it a bit of gas (push on the
> accelerator) to keep the idle up, it might not stall, but takes a minute
> recover to a good steady idle.
> I have removed most of the emissions, but do have vacuum to the carbs
> connected.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? This is really bothering me. As a
> of fact, I took it to a reputable mechanic, and he has a TVR (with a TR6
> engine) doing the same thing. He can't figure it out either.
> Thanks In Advance
> Mike Brinker
> Mike's TR6 World
> http://www.surf.to/tr6
I think there is a vacumn leak hidding somewhere.
Thank you for your reply but All vacumn leaks have been checked, tested and
none found. Any other suggestions?
Mike Brinker
Mike's TR6 World