Leave for a couple of weeks, forget to sign-off, and your mailbox fills up with
1000+ messages! Just a note on some of the messages:
TR-4 Carpet - sign me up for a good charcoal grey carpet, but we've got to get
the original front rubber (not carpet) mats made. The TR3 ones are just
slightly smaller - they will work but you'll see the floorpan underneath.
Sounds like a good job for Art Kelly basking in Florida sunshine.
Brad's got another TR3 basket case? Been there, done that. Only took 15 years
to overcome the affliction of having to buy any hulk I found! I suggest
electro-shock therapy!
Found a TR4A with a BIG BLOCK MOPAR (440) in it sitting behind the local speed
shop. Am trying to get a ride from the owner since it's got dual quads on a
Weiand high rise manifold along with all the speed goodies and supposedly 500+
HP. Bitchin'.
Well, I'm now back on line so I await to see what Brad drags home next...
Bruce Clough