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Re: Marvel Mystery Oil

Subject: Re: Marvel Mystery Oil
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 98 09:36:38 PDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Jerry <> wrote:

        > How many on the list using Marvel Mystery Oil......

I've been using MMO in the Z-S dashpots of my TR6 for several years,
and prefer the response of the motor (mostly stock) over the use
of a heavier oil.

I also add 4oz of MMO each time I fill the tank.  This was prompted
by a recommendation by a well-respected carb man here in San Diego.
He claims the reformulated gas (RFG) sold in Calif is very "dry"
and dries out seals etc in carbs.  I suspect there is some truth
to this for RFG is well-known to rot fuel lines that were manufactured
before 1991.  He claims that MMO reduces this unfavorable behaviour of
MMO.  An anecdote here is that he spends a lot of the day with gas
on his hands, and that the skin on his hands are drier since the introduction
of RFG than they have ever been.  He says he notices an improvement 
in the dryness of his skin when he works on carbs where people use 
MMO in their gas.

My 2 cents.....

        Shane Ingate in San Diego

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