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RE: True or False

To: "'fred thomas'" <>,
Subject: RE: True or False
From: "Stinocher, Bryan D." <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 08:50:17 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Being one of thick skin (some literally, some due to the experiences of
life!) I would like to say that I have two "jap" cars (both Toyota's, which
are two absolutely great cars) and one "jap" wife! By the way, I also speak
"jap" and lived there for over 6 years. My kids are half "jap". Maybe
because I share enthusiasm for Triumph, I should only buy "english" cars?
Come on guys, this is not the 40's! Can't we say "Japanese", and admit that
they make a good car? Good golly, I would hate to think what we'd be forced
to drive from the big 3 (uncapitalization intentional, as my respect for
them is nil) if they had no competition from the Japanese. The difference is
that the Japanese elevated Demming to a God in Japan when it came to SPC;
the big 3 didn't care. It showed.

I've been in the automotive industry for over 12 years, dealing with the
OEMs. There is a reason the japanese cars sell well here: they are very well
built. There are some glitches, like all car companies have (if you ever
have a chance to go on a tour of a car plant, take it. It will open your
eyes as to the complexity of making these hunks of metal run), but on the
whole, they are well run, professional operations. And they employ thousands
upon thousands of Americans. So get off this bashing crap. There is no such
thing as a one country car anymore; they all (including the big 3) buy from

Rant off.

502-782-7397 xt. 2284
68 TR 250 CD 5853 L (and 2, count 'em, 2, Japanese vehicles!!!!!)

        ----Original Message-----
        From:   fred thomas []
        Sent:   Wednesday, October 07, 1998 5:34 AM
        Subject:        Re: True or False

        Jim & Ann Brown wrote:
        > Charles,
        > Just between the two of us, I would suspect that this fellow's
knowledge of
        > automobiles is most likely quite similar to his knowledge of
spelling, the
        > King's English, diplomatic finesse, diversity and common courtesy.
        > Non carborundum illegitimi.  (Don't let the bastards grind you
        > Cheers,
        > Jim Brown
        > Houston
        > 2 Bentleys
        > 1 Porsche
        > 1 (gasp) Honda (after all, sometimes I have to count on getting
there on
        > time)
        > -------------------
        > > Why don't you just pull the mechanicals from the jap cars apart
and see
        > > what kind of car they are from, I know you do not want to guess
        > > cars they were copyied after. If the jap cars are so great what
the hell
        > > are you doing on this list. 

        First let me reply to your ending, I am not a bastard, we would not
        bastards if some people kept their mother off the street, second if
        spelling is not good enough for you, I at least try to be of help
with my 
        very little knowledge of cars, maybe you should try the delete
button or 
        better yet get off the list, as I'm sure this is far below your
        You really deserve to be in D.C. they have a lot of "ASS-HOLES like

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