One for the danmas electrical wizardry crowd. I have been chasing a problem
for months. Carbs have been set all the way to rich to get decent running,
but after a long run on the freeway (10 to 15 minutes) I don't idle worth
crap. 5 to 10 minutes off the freeway and it returns to normal. I have been
playing with mixture, temp. compensators etc etc till I am blue on the face.
Today I notice a different wrinkle. (Thank you Georges)After driving up to
a client site in the rain I had the usual cruddy idle. I turned my lights
off and the idle improved. I turned the lights on, brights on, heater fan
to high and the engine start to stumble and nearly died. Turned it all back
off and idle jumped up and became much smoother.
I have been assuming that it is fuel because I have replaced almost all of
the ignition system. New dizzy cap, wires, points, plugs, coil (with the
Lucas Sport). Alternator appears to work fine, no discharge is/was
indicated, nor does my battery run down. Alternator is not stock, its out
of a Nissan and is 55 Amp. No electrical problems previously noted. Its
about a year old. It bolts right up without modification and is a 3 wire
system attached without modification.
Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum 69-TR6#CC28754L W4UCK