Let me also give a bit of praise to Jim, Nick, and
all of the people from 6 Pack who put on one heck of
a show last weekend.
Although we've been to numerous shows (including
multiple day events) this was our first 6 Pack Trials
and we were not disappointed. Great rallies, dinners
and guest speakers, prizes, and companionship. Even
the weather was perfect. Every co-ed arm wrestle for
over $1000 in new parts? We did! Note to Nick: My
arm is still killing me.
Next year's Trials is from September 9th - 12th in
Mt. Airy, North Carolina, the real home of Andy,
Barney, Aunt Bee and all the gang from Mayberry.
It's just south of the Virginia line in the northwest
part of the state. Blue Ridge Parkway all the way!
Mark it down.
Joe Merone
CF 18928