> Since you mentioned Aldershot, it reminds me of one of my favorite poems,
> Gunga Din by Rudyard Kipling. He wrote, "When you're sent to penny-fights
> and Aldershot it." Any idea what he meant by that? I've known his writing
> since I was very young, and have wondered what that meant.
Doesn't "Aldershot" refer to a British army latrine? As in "The riders in the
'dickey' seat in the Triumph 2000 roadster reminded him of two privates perched
on an
Aldershot latrine."
Don't know where the heck I remember that from... Do I get extra points for the
On that note, see you Monday guys...
Chris Lillja
Spit MkIV
Norton Commando
Sube 2.5 GT