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TR6 Steering

To: Robert Carley <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR6 Steering
From: (Bud Rolofson)
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:51:01 -0400

Just had my 71 TR6 alignment checked and adjusted.  It was within the specs.
recommended but the toe in was still too much and was causing tire wear on the
outside edges and made the handling "not solid" IMHO.  

They reset the Total toe in to 0.29" and it really helped (they of course did a
total alignment (2-wheel but the toe-in was the biggest adjustment).  That is at
the low end of the specs. for the TR6.  You may want to ask your alignment guy
to try setting your car up at the low end of the toe-in specs. both individually
and total.  What is the Total toe-in set at now on your car?  I believe mine was
at 0.46" and the max was 0.48" but it was still too much.  Sounds like you're
covered on the other tips I received regarding checking tie-rods, shocks, etc.
in the front end when I asked for help with my tire concerns.

Also for some self education and possible self diagnosis of your alignment
problem try going to this website:

It has some practical and virtually some "hands on" ways of seeing what your
problems might be if they are related to alignment.  I found it when researching
alignment problems and even though it's a Ford SHO Taurus site, god forbid, I
found some good practical tips on figuring out what the problem with my TR6 was.
 For example:  "Too much toe-in (positive toe) causes rapid inside edge wear;
the patterns will be saw-toothed or scuffed.  (NOTE: this was exactly the
symptoms my tires showed)  If sharp edges are felt when rubbing your hand from
the INSIDE TO THE OUTSIDE of the tire, toe-in is excessive.  Extreme toe-in will
cause steering instability, especially at high speeds.  

I won't go on as you need to read it for yourself to get the most out of it. 
But it, along with the usual good advice from the braintrust of listers we are
lucky enough to have here, helped to make my TR6 be much more responsive
overall, travel a straight line, and have a much more solid feel on those
highway ramp curves.

Good Luck

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