Morning to all,
Slept in and may have missed part of the conversation, Buffy has
taken to deleting messages like crazy.
Drove like a maniac yesterday and I have to admit it was more fun.
Drove two grandma types and one small van full of children right into
the ditch. Had a few problems though, the lights aren't working
anymore and I did leave some tooth marks in the steering wheel.
Also I think it got my blood pressure up a bit and Buffy and the
twins swear I was drooling slightly. Well I was, there were some
beautiful cars at the Kirkland ABFM.
Anyway, feeling lots better this morning, still drifting to the right
a little when I walk, but I think this will straighten out as I speed
Heard something on the radio about Airbus and the Sidewinder missile
company working on a mini-van for the Euro market. Supposed to be
turbo charged and have some military options available, if any of you
Euro types find something on that, please let me know. I will have
to take all the cash surrender value out of my life insurance to get
the down payment together, but that insurance is a joke. Who's ever
going to get hit by a rocket on the interstate and then drown in a
body of fresh water. I'm going to have to keep that quiet though,
Buffy and the twins think that insurance policy really means
I am a little concerned though, Buffy has those damned law books out
again. I thought we were done with that, please don't anyone get her
started on the OJ thing. You know I used to think he was a great
football player and a pretty good driver!
Oh ----- on the mirrors for the TR3, I personally think that the two
flat mirrors is more like original specs, but with my failing vision
and Buffy's increasing need for makeup, the convex on the passenger
side seems like the best configuration.
Best to all of you
Geezer, Buffy and the twins.
59 TR3 - with mirrors