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Re: Was Companies responsible for the making of our beloved TRiumphs ?

Subject: Re: Was Companies responsible for the making of our beloved TRiumphs ?
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:30:27 EDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 28/06/98 22:10:09 GMT, you write:
 >  Joe
 >   >>
 > Thanks Joe, but you didn't answer my question !?
 And you didn't leap on the chance to give me another jab over my

>I DID notice the out house typo' but I decided to 'leave poor Joe alone' this
time, after all you can only get 'so much' mileage out of a joke...mind you, I
am considering getting tee-shirts printed with on the
front, and "bodily fluif container" on the reverse!

We are not really putting  the "out house" on the market, but
rather our house.  Oh well, I gave you the opportunity!!!
But I am in Woodinville, WA.  Which is a bedroom community (formally of
Seattle, but more recently of Microsoft) northeast of Seattle, across
Lake Washington.

>I thought that you were in that general area...
Looks like you will be there for the Portland ABFM on the first weekend
 in September. 

>That is the intention!
coz I want to go to it, with PTOA members.

 I don't know if I'll still be here that weekend, but if
 so, I plan to be there.  I went to the one last year.  THat was the
 weekend Princess Di was killed.  There are a few events in ones lifetime
 that a person can recall where he was when it happened.  This appears to
 be one of them.
It sure would be nice to meet with you there if possible ? 
(ps.I found out that Diana had died when I woke at 6am to go to work that
Sunday at my office in Kensington, about 1 mile from Kensington Palace, and
that was one sombre day in Kensington let me tell you!
Although I can't say I knew her personally, I have shaken hands with her, I
have looked into those beautiful blue eyes of hers, and I have seen her with
her boys in Kensigton High Street three times, once in Mc.Donald's, once by
the cinema, and once on her own jogging in Holland Park.), so I suppose I was
as close as many, and perhaps closer than most ?

 > Where are you until you move to Tucson, Az ?
 > Coz that's a little out of my way on this trip...
 > I expect to fly to Portland in Oregon on Saturday 29th August 1998.
 > I expect to be based in/around Portland until Friday 11th September 1998.
 > I expect to fly from Portland,OR to Knoxville,Tennessee, from where on
 > Thursday 17th September,I will be driving to Columbus, Pandora, Toledo,
 > Detroit, Toronto, Niagra, Buffalo, Oswego, East Nassau, Budd Lake,
 > Knoxville, Alcoa.
 Looks like you will be seeing Dan Masters this trip.  Oh yeah, when in
 Pandora, don't open any boxes!

I sure hope I'm going to meet Dan, as I'm due to stay with him and his good
lady, and to drive his 'normal' TR6...
What kind of boxes ?
(I must check on that one with Ted Schumacher!)
 > Finally flying back to London on Sunday 27th September 1998.
 > That's the plan as it's stands, but it too, is pretty fluif at the moment.
 > (sotospeak)
 > Are you presently in the PNW ?
 > Otherwise, I'll have to go drink with Dave Eaton instead!
 Dave's a pretty entertaining fellow, so you won't have to suffer for it!

That's TRue, I know him quite well.
 Likewise, Leon 
 "If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
  -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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