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RE: Unusual TR4 hood ornament

To: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, "''" <>
Subject: RE: Unusual TR4 hood ornament
From: "Linda Long (IM)" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 20:38:32 -0400

        Maybe the car's name is ToRo the TR  :^)

> Listers,
> Last night, a buddy I hadn't seen in a while was showing me some
> pictures he
> took this past Easter weekend.  He spent that weekend on the Outer
> Banks of
> North Carolina.
> Typical stuff, except for one picture--a white TR4 with a set of
> longhorns
> mounted right up there on the front of the hood where the Triumph
> emblem
> belongs.  I'm not talking about airhorns here.  I'm talking taxidermy!
> These
> things, tip to tip, were almost as wide as the hood!  They would look
> right at
> home on a '75 Caddie Eldo in Texas, but, I don't know, on the TR, they
> seemed
> somewhat out of proportion, if nothing else.
> I asked my friend for some background on the car.  All he could tell
> me was
> that it was parked in Manteo, had North Carolina plates, he did not
> talk to
> anyone about the car, and that the horns were really part of the
> car--they
> were bolted to the hood.  Basically, he saw the car, stopped to take a
> quick
> picture, and left the scene.
> Anyone out there know anything about this car?  Anyone thinking of
> doing the
> same thing?  
> Rich Rock
> 64 horns
> 65 TR4A-IRS..same as above
> 67 for sale
> 70 TVR VIXEN...maybe a foxtail??

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