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To: <>
Subject: GT6
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 22:17:23 +0100
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Hi, Jane

>I love my GT6, it's a 67, and I have had it for 27 years. 

I love mine too. Had it since 1969 when it was brand spanking and we've
been the greatest of friends ever since.

>It has not run
>all of the time, and you can certainly learn a lot of mechanics by owning

You'll learn far more by sitting in the same position and working on a
Herald - won't you Andy?

> I have seen some for around $3,000, 
My life! so cheap!

>The other side of the story is that parts are sometimes
>difficult to find, British engineering is not always straightforward, and
>most are wired with lucas electronics (the prince of darkness).  

AbsoluteHORSE***T!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it with you people and my good
friend Mr. Obadiah Joseph Lucas? His products have ALWAYS been of the
highest integrity, reliability and totally faultless!!! In any case, my
distributor is an AC DELCO unit with about as much fine adjustment as a
Stillson wrench! You all ought to count yourselves lucky and enter the wild
west of Signor Magneti Marelli where contact breaker adjustment is done
with a piece of spaghetti. The difference is the same whether you use the
strand crosswise or longitudinally. The thing is, you've all been spoon fed
on transistorised ignition systems for so long, that the mere mention of
the words 'points' or 'condenser' and you're running for the warren like a
pack of frightened rabbits!

>Some times things happen that are totally unexplainable
No, they don't. It's probably all your fault - remember, for every action,
there is a REaction. When we used to build the cars, the logics were
profoundly reasoned and of indisputable accuracy! Just because Detroit
wanted to do it another way (including putting the steering wheel on the
wrong side of the car so you can't see to overtake) does not mean that
Triumph got it wrong. It was DETROIT that got it wrong - but it seems many
of you are taking far too long to appreciate that subtle fact.

>Is it valencia blue with wire wheels?  
Of course it is. God's own colour with black leather interior, a non
standard diff (which was line fitted) and a gen yew ine burr walnut
instrument panel. highly unoriginal from a Scrute's viewpoint but this was
line fitted and didn't half take some explaining when a belligerent
inspector discovered on final 'pass off.'

Carry on Jane (and everyone else as well) - you're getting there and
discovering all our little confusion plans so carefully in-built all those
years ago. You can't say we weren't inventive, can you? Anyone found any
further replacement keys in their lamp assemblies yet?

Keep on keeping on and God Save Whitworth and his nuts
John Mac

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