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LIFE AT TRIUMPH - and a computer with a duff swing axle

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: LIFE AT TRIUMPH - and a computer with a duff swing axle
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 18:55:16 +0100
The only LBC content to this message relates to my Triumph Stories but I
urgently need help of a Windows 95 nature to dig the rest out of my hard
I am not in the least bit computer system literate behind the scenes of
things but half the stories are locked on my hard disk in MS Publisher and
I can't get 'em out!!!!!!! 
This is now a bit urgent because three book publishers have asked for
Is there anyone who could lead me by both hands and all my earlobes to
assist in
unlocking the magic gremlin? I can provide some details of what has
happened but basically Publisher won't load (having previously loaded
without hassle) and I'm getting an error message about a Kernel32.DLL
This is all rather like trying to change a clutch without removing the
gearbox HELP

John Mac

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