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Triumph PI TR250/TR5 magazine articles

To: <>
Subject: Triumph PI TR250/TR5 magazine articles
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:58:02 +0100
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
>Date: Fri, 24 Apr 98 14:26:55 +1000
>Subject: Re: Triumph PI TR250/TR5 magazine articles

>Dear Listers
>In one of John Macartney's  "Life at Triumph" stories (which I really 

Thank you

>he spoke about a Road and Track road test of a PI TR250/TR5 in the US
which >compared very favourably with the carb. version. 

What I really wanted to sayI meant to say that the TR5 in journalese
"piddled all over the 250" which for both cars in standard production trim
was quite an easy thing to do.
Being a God-fearing soul,  didn't think I ought to lapse into such levels
of vernacular on the Internet.
>The grey-market importer ended up in jail!!!!
>Does anyone know which edition this test was in? 

Now let me see - it was before I was as bald as I am now and I still had a
London W1 mail address which was about the only thing one could say in
favour of my abode. Methinks somewhere between very late 1967 and August
1968 is about right. There again, it might not have been Road and Track.
Has anyone got a spare brain that's been fully re-bushed and with nice snug
linkages? It would be so helpful in trying to answer questions like this!

John Macartney
Still carefully polishing the thinning cellulose . . .

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