Jackson and O'Malley quip...
>>A car enthusiast would probably not be happy with the quality of the
>>work though. Okay...JACKSON might be happy, but for the rest of us...
>>Tom O'Malley in Southbridge Massachusetts
>OK, OK, like a red rag to a bull, I'll bite! :-)
Oops! Why, I wasn't referring to *you* Richard. The JACKSON I was
talking about was...er...MICHAEL Jackson! Sure...*Michael* Jackson.
You know, the one who bought the rights to all the great Beatles music
with the money he made from shoddy panel repair. *THAT* Jackson.
> Ok, so I've 'glued' a repair patch on the floor of my old moggy minor with
> sealer, I've put filler and news paper in the front arches of my Spitfire to
> pass the MOT, used parts of a Mini front wing to re-construct the floorpan,
> and I've been know to removed a piston, extract the broken washer from
> the top and file flat and add the shamfer(sp) to the edge then replace it in
> my Spitty's engine......But on NO account could you call me a bodger!!!! :-)
Perish the thought! :-)
> Now diesel Spitfire's, that a whole different kettle of fish eh Tom!!! :-)
Oooooo....a low blow, that one!
>Cheerio, I'm off to the optician in a minute, so I'll get to see what my car
>really looks like!!! :-)
Maybe you'll see HEADLINES in your front arches! :-)
Tom O'Malley in Southbridge Massachusetts
'74, '77 Spitdiesels