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Re: TR4

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR4
From: "Andrew Dixon" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:02:22 -0400
Cc: "Robert M. Lang" <>
the person going to Ramstein is going as a service person and can sell the 
car if it is over 3 years old with no taxes except for mehrwertsteuer (added 
value tax) and this is the responsibility of the buyer.

Given that, I don't think the person going to Germany wanted to sell his TR4, 
he just saw it as a requirement because he could only ship one car at the 
military's expense and was looking at his family's needs before his own.


On 04/18/98 11:06 AM fred thomas said...
>Robert M. Lang wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Not sure if you got other replies, but I'd like to add the following:
>> If you intend to sell, why not pay the $500 - $1000 to get the TR4 shipped
>> to Europe. The reason that I mention this is that big TR's are 
>> more valuable over there. I'll be you can sell it for a lot more than $8000
>> plus the shipping costs...
>> Just thought I'd toss that out.
>> rml
>> TR6's.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> Bob Lang                       | Editor          | New England Triumphs
>> Phone: 781-438-2568  |                   |
>> FAX: 617-258-9535     |                  |
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>How much have you added to the shipping price for the tax ?? some of 
>those countries have a 200% tax on used-cars being brought into the 
>country. Many years ago I would ship 65-68 V-8 mustangs to Sweden, 
>good money, then you had to declare a invoice with it and if you paid 
>2500.00 for the car tax was 5000.00 so now you have a 7500.00 car thats 
>is ready to be sold for how much ?? Nothings easy anymore.

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