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Ben Cannon <>: [junkyard-list] Fw: <all> Driving85-87,94-

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Ben Cannon <>: [junkyard-list] Fw: <all> Driving85-87,94-96,100-102,105-115
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 08:32:38 -0400
This came across the 'Junkyard List' and I found it interesting. 

When reading it, just insert Triumph in place of exotic.

 A little back ground, we had a member 'not rejoin' a few years ago
because of several negative comments made by some 'experts' at the
holiday unveiling of her newly fixed ( slight customized ) TR6.  She had
spent several thousand making the car she interior ( not
stock - not tacky either,  but very good looking ) along with new paint (
not a factory color ) on and on.  The 'experts' spent more time telling
what she had done wrong with the car than saying anyhing positive about
the car.  

I thought it was an unusual occurrence, but in a recent issue of Goodguys
Gazette there was an article blasting the 'older hot rodder' for not
being kinder and gentler with the 'young ( read new to the hobby ) hot

The list has always seemed to welcome new members questions with no
rolled eyes ( Oh No!...Not that question again!) but we should suggest to
the impromptu street judges to be easy on their assessments...they may be
pushing away the next possible budding expert.

Hugh R. McAleer
Jonesboro, GA
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From: Ben Cannon <>
Subject: [junkyard-list] Fw: <all> Driving
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 14:15:25 -0700

I think anyone who thinks of their cars as more than basic 
transportation will like this :)


"Take time to smell the roadsters."
Michael S. Lishego

 This morning waiting for F1 qualifying, I ginned-up the following
as a personal code for myself. I don't intend this for anyone else, and
you have the lovely gift of free-choice to decide on your own about these
things. That said, I thought others here might be interested. As a code
for myself, I might not always meet the standards I outline. But I firmly
believe in self-improvement and all that stuff, so here goes...

 - -----

 My personal code of conduct as an exotic owner

 1) My cars will always be clean and well-presentable. I will ensure that
my cars are in the highest state of mechanical condition and maintenance.
 Exotics as indeed rare, and to see one is a special experience. I have
an obligation to present these cars to others at a high standard.

2) I will always be polite, courteous, and friendly. I will not talk down
to or ignore anyone, and I will cheerfully answer all questions. Exotic
 owners wrongly suffer from a "snob" label. By actively and always
 countering this, I will strive to change this perception among all whom
I met.

 3) Where feasible, I will encourage inspection and observation of my
cars.  If someone is clean and courteous, I will encourage them to sit in
my cars.  I will actively encourage photographs. In-particular, I will
encourage this among younger children.  On occasion, I will offer rides
to admirers under the appropriate circumstances.

 4) With one exception (see 5, below), I will obey all traffic laws or
local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked,
safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise
ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner
to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond
to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I
will positively comment on the challengers car and invite them to inspect
mine at an appropriate stopping point, while asking if I might see their

 5) Operating my cars as Enzo, Soichiro and Ferruccio intended will occur
only on open, rural routes free of heavy traffic or on appropriately
designated race courses. On public highways, I will use my highest powers
of observation and diligence to ensure that I place myself, my vehicles,
and the public in no additional danger. I will be aware of the
environment and  road conditions, and I will not drive at excessive
speeds on unknown or  suspect roads.  When approaching blind corners or
hills, I will assume that  an obstacle exists and will take appropriate
defensive measures.

 6) I will share my passion and excitement for exotic cars with others
 through community service and charitable events. I will actively seek
out community organizations such as local police departments and schools
and offer my cars for use in events such as DARE programs, homecoming
parades, pep rallies, etc. Many communities have "Make a Wish"
foundations for sick children. If given the opportunity, I will offer a
day with myself and my  cars to such organizations in an effort to
brighten an otherwise trying  life for someone less fortunate than I.

 7) I will be honest and open with other enthusiasts, and I will
accurately represent my cars to prospective owners and buyers. I will
keep complete records, and I will always follow-up with purchasers of my
cars to ensure that they continue to gain maximum satisfaction and
appreciation for cars that I have owned and serviced.

 8) I will always have a smile on my face when inspecting, driving, or
showing my cars to others. I will never forget how fortunate I've been to
own such automobiles and I will constantly remind myself that the future
is uncertain, and that today may be as good as it gets.

|  The wise man can look at a Grain of Sand, and  |
|   envision an entire Universe. But the Stupid   |
|      man just rolls around in Seaweed for a     |
|         while, then stands up and yells,        |
|      "Hey, look at me!     I'm 'Vine Man'!"     |
~Ben Cannon.

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