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Re: Torque on trunnion bolt - TR4A

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Torque on trunnion bolt - TR4A
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 14:02:42 EST
In a message dated 98-04-03 17:41:12 EST, writes:

> I asked this question a few weeks ago and got very
>  different answers.  If someone who's been through the
>  front end of a TR4A knows, please answer:
>  1) What's the proper torque for the trunnion bolt?
>  The TR4 didn't use a trunnion bolt; rather, the trunnion
>  had two shafts.  The factory manual treats these like wheel
>  bearings (tighten to 5 ft lbs then back off two flats.)  No
>  specific guidance on the TR4A, just a general statement
>  that you assemble the trunnion as for a TR4.  However, the
>  TR6 has the same trunnion assembly as the TR4A, and
>  I have been told that the TR6 books call for 50 ft lbs on the 
>  trunnion bolt.  5 or 50?  Quite a difference.
>  Thanks in advance...
>  Cliff Hansen
>  1966 TR-4A  CTC 64615L (Anxious to be done with front end work)

Cliff, according to the Haynes manual (TR2/3/3A/4&4A):

"NOTE: A modified  upper wishbone assembly was fitted to TR4 cars after
commission number CT6390 and CT6344(fitted with wire wheels).  This new upper
wishbone was fitted as standard to all TR4A models.  The service overhaul
procedure ..."

It then goes on to refer to a drawing of the front end and gives the procedure
for refitting.  

It says (on a previous page under "Torque Wrench Settings"):

       "Front suspension (TR4,4A)
            Ball pin to vertical link ----- 55 to 65 lb.ft.
            Lower fulcrum bracket to chassis ----- 16 to 18 lb.ft.
            Stub axle to vertical link ----- 55 to 60 lb.ft.
            Lower wishbone to fulcrum ----- 26 to 28 lb.ft. 
            top wishbone to fulcrum ------ 26 to 40 lb.ft
            top inner fulcrum to chassis ---- 26 to 28 lb.ft.
            Brake disc attachment ----- 32 to 35 lb.ft.
            Caliper attachment ----- 50 to 55 lb.ft.

There does not appear to be a specific setting for the nuts on the trunnion
(in either the vertical or horizontal plane.)

The "general description" narrative says 

"... upon introduction of the TR4A certain minor modifications were
incorporated into the design.  The main difference is the method of attaching
the lower wishbone arms whereby the inner pivot brackets are shimmed and
vertically positioned on the chassis. The brackets are retained to the chassis
with Nyloc nuts positioned behind the chassis.
   The outer mounting  for the trunnion brackets has also been modified and
the lower trunnion brackts can now be removed from the wishbone without
distrubing the lower inboard fulcrum brackets and their shims."

Don't know how much this helps.  It certainly is not very clear to me.  Maybe
someone else can pick up on what I have given you.  If I can do anything else,
please come back to me.  Cheers.

Art Kelly

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