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FW: Restoration Checklist - An explanation

To: "'Triumphs'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: FW: Restoration Checklist - An explanation
From: "Musson, Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 14:07:00 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"
I have received several emails regarding my post about finding people
who have completed body off restorations.  About 12-14 responded
offering assistance.  I have corresponded with 8 of those who are going
to help me with my checklist project.  The representation of models on
that list is: 1-GT6; 2-Spits; 2-TR3; 2-TR4; 1-TR4a; & 2 TR-6.  I would
be willing to include a couple reps from the wedgies or other Triumph

There were another 20+ people who wanted either a copy of the response I
received for a checklist (authored by Ron Botting) that was sent to this
list last  Fall, or were wanting not to be excluded in my quest to get
information per my post looking for experienced ground-up people.

The following was the message I sent to those who responded to my
request for assistance.   Hopefully it will answer some questions a few
of you had.  The whole thing started because I have this project that
the PO abandoned.  A lot has been done, but I don't want to assume that
it was done correctly (or at all).   A case in point is the worn out
rear tranny seal on a completely rebuilt transmission/overdrive unit.  I
should have checked, didn't, and had to go back a couple steps to finish
the job right.   I did check the rear engine seal and that should have
been a clue to the other, because it hadn't been done either.    

Anyway, I will keep this group up-to-date on the checklist project as
well as the '3a.

Carl F. Musson, 
'58 TR3A - TS25264L - borrowing the engine/tranny from
   [and dummy that I am, I didn't check out the condition of the rear
tranny seal...  drip drip splatter... ;^( ]
'60 TR3A - TS81802LO - body off restoration in progress...
Tampa, Florida (USA)
E-Mail: <>
<>  (update in progress)

Thanks for your response.

I am taking the checklist that Ron Botting provided and filling in the
gaps.    What I am looking for are some informed eyes to look over what
I come up with and make suggestions on content (missing, misleading,
misplaced, mis-whatever).   The final product will be put in html format
for the VTR pages.  

Ron's latest list had about 120 items.  A good portion had to do with
body panel reconstruction.  Most of the engine section, electrics, etc
were not included.   My initial edit has about 200 items which includes
combining actions on his llist.  I'll be working on it over the weekend
while I have to babysit events happening at work.  (I get to sit and
play and get paid for it - but I can read only so much.)  

Let me know if you are willing...


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