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Re: 4 VS 6 cylinders, or car repair by Bozo

To: "Theis, Karl J" <>
Subject: Re: 4 VS 6 cylinders, or car repair by Bozo
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 15:13:46 -0800
Cc: "'triumphs'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
They likely put in a common type unit but installed the wrong optical
shutter.  The Crane unit comes with several shutters that adapt to most
cars (some 6 cyl, some 4 cyl. The same one works on both a Spit and GT6
and I'm pretty sure a TR6 as well.  But that mistake is unpardonable.

I hope the shop is no longer in business.

Joe Curry

Theis, Karl J wrote:
> This thread brought to mind a distant memory...
>         In 1984 the Lucas electronic ignition died in my 1979 Spitfire.  Not
> knowing (at that time) anything beyond the basics on Triumph repair, I towed
> the car to the local garage.  After a week I picked up the car and boy, did
> it run rough.  They had replaced the Lucas with a Piranha aftermarket
> ignition, which I guess is the optical sensor type.  The shop  attributed
> the rough idle to a faulty carburetor.  Since the car ran fine before the
> electronic ignition problem I declined their offer to rebuild the carb and
> drove off.  I made an appointment with another repair shop and proceeded to
> drive the 20 miles to their locale.  After 10 miles of the engine stumbling,
> missing and altogether cutting out, it died.  Towed the car the remaining
> ten miles.  To make a long story not-so-long, here is what the second garage
> found:  The optical wheel (the part of the electronic ignition that sits
> where the rotor is located) had six radial slots in it.  The Bozos had
> installed an ignition system for a six cylinder car!  How they got the Spit
> to run at all is anyone's guess.
>         2nd Bozo story (short)
>                 I once autocrossed a bone-stock GT6+ in C Prepared class
> because the Bozo tech inspector thought It was hardtop Spitfire with a
> transplanted TR6 engine .
>         Later,
>         Karl

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