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Re: Bonnet Stuck Spitfire

To: ( THOM JONES), triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Bonnet Stuck Spitfire
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 09:39:46 -0800
Is it possible that the battery was sitting too high and has welded itself
to the top of the bonnet? 

- Mark feeling silly from no sleep & too much coffee.

At 11:49 AM 30/03/98 -0500, THOM   JONES wrote:
>Just when you thought you'd heard everything...
>1979 spitfire will not let me lift its bonnet, all of a sudden.  
>Charged battery Saturday afternoon. Closed
>bonnet, went for ride, put it away.  Today left side of bonnet will 
>not budge.  Right side free.  Feels
>like it is jammed in the area of the left bonnet lever, but I removed 
>the screws holding the lever, which is
>now free, and bonnet still jammed.
>Anyone face this one before?  (I'll get to the reason I was opening 
>the bonnet after I get it open!)
>Thom J.

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