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Re: TR6

Subject: Re: TR6
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 98 17:02:02 PST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Steven Allen wrote:
        > I am also looking for oppinions on whether the TR6 
        > is a car that could be used everyday.

This list is asked this question regularly.  Perhaps there should be
a FAQ of polled responses (Andy?  nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more...)

        - The TR6 *can* make a reliable daily driver, for a 25-year-old car...

        - Be prepared to do most work on the car yourself, otherwise
          it could break the bank.  How much work?  I spend on average
          2-4 hours per weekend fixing broken things, replacing marginal
          components, general cleaning and/or admiring the car.  This
          is probably more than I drive it!

        - The car is very simple to work on.  In fact, it is
          delightful; its simpleness and accessibility is unparalleled
          with cars of approximately the same age or newer.

        - The TR6 is NOT a new car, and should not be treated as such.
          Its not often that if things brake, they will leave you stranded
          by the side of the road.  Even the most nivice mechanic can get the
          car going to get home.  However if a component is marginal and 
          is on the way out, it is best to replace it ASAP.

        - Because the TR6 is an enthusiasts car, parts availablity
          is quite good.  Most parts are available on short-notice
          at very respectable prices.  This is not a Porsche or a
          Mustang II here!

        - The TR6 is relativel economical to run, both insurance-wise and
          gasoline consumption.

The bottom line is that the TR6 is perhaps a notch above most other
25-year old cars as a daily driver.

But first, ask yourself this question:  "Do I want a 25-year old car?"

        Shane Ingate in San Diego

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