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Re: TR4 questions

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR4 questions
From: ArthurK101 <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 11:26:16 EST
In a message dated 98-03-23 09:51:17 EST, writes:

[in answer to this below]

> > As far as the wheel nut tightness is concerned, whether your car has a
>  > wheel centre nut which is octagonal or with 'ears' - the answer for
>  > both
>  > versions is as tight as you can make them.

[his answer follows]
>  I disagree with that. If you make them as tight as you can, it can be
>  too tight, spreading the seat of the wire wheels off the seat from the
>  stub. You'll end up having a wheel that has play on the spline and is
>  not reconditionable.  << snip >>
>   gernot

I agree with gernot.  For those of you who are interested in wire wheel
tightening - go to, scroll to "Maintenance Handbook," then scroll
down to "wheels".  There you'll find an article about wire wheel tightening.

Art Kelly

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