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TR4 questions

To: <>
Subject: TR4 questions
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 00:07:55 -0000
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Hi, Berny
You've had answers to the 'sag' on your TR4 - I think they are probably
As far as the wheel nut tightness is concerned, whether your car has a
wheel centre nut which is octagonal or with 'ears' - the answer for both
versions is as tight as you can make them. In view of the fact you have a
TR4, the centre-locks should have 'ears' - unless the car originally came
from France where for many years 'ears' were illegal. Many owners however,
bought 'eared' versions as aftermarket fit items from other European
dealers. Using a copper faced, fibre or industrial rubber faced hammer,
just keep hitting the centrelock until you have no further movement on the
thread. You might have more than 2cm of 'sag' on the body if a wheel comes
off at speed! Remember, the centrelocks on the left hand side of the car
are left hand threaded
John Macartney

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