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RE: installing new TR3 sill

To: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: installing new TR3 sill
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:34:54 -0000

> ----------
> From:         Joe Curry[]
> Reply To:     Joe Curry
> Sent:         Thursday, March 19, 1998 5:23 PM
> To:   Roger Helman
> Cc:   triumph listserv
> Subject:      Re: installing new TR3 sill
> Roger,
> I wish I'd thought of that.  But it's too late for me now.
> However, I had thought of the possibility of shooting some
> polyurethane
> insullating foam into the void and filling up the gap.  I didn't
> because
> I had no idea what sort of effect the chemical would have on the
> metal. 
> Also I wondered what the effect of removing the void would be on the
> accumulation of water in other places.  But it was a Thought that
> crossed my mind.
> I really don't worry so much about it now because the car is rarely
> exposed to water.  When I wash it, I am careful not to spray anywhere
> that woule get water into those sills.  And I NEVER drive it in the
> rain.  Well, almost never,  here in the Northwest, one never knows for
> sure when that might happen.
Don't even think of putting PU-foam in there, even if no water gets
sprayed onm it, there is always air humidity and PU is ideal for keeping
it long in there, result, obviously rotting sills. Nice one if you have
to replace them cutiing into PU with an angle grinder is pure fun. I
bought a JAG XJ6S1 that had PU filled sills, it had pu in more places
than that and the bloke said he did it as sound proofing. The car is now
in Jag heaven...

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