First, a quick note for Larry Hooven. Here in the good old UK, the Post Code
(i.e. Brit Zip Code) is not utterly essntial. In fact, they say "please use
your post code" quite politely. They also change codes from time to time,
perhaps to keep the postmen on their toes. So, Larry, if you send your
letter addressed as is, it should get there.
Right, Fuel injection. I fixed the car so well it ran on 5 cylinders. Having
identified #6 injector as being pulseless, I tried blowing air through it
again. It still seemed sticky so I filled it with WD40, left it 10 minutes,
blew air through again and refitted it. It worked! In fact, the tickover
rose to 1500rpm so I suspect the injector was badly gummed up. However, the
mixture is still on the rich side.
Thanks for the info, Gary Blake. All my references suggest that dismantling
the injectors is not permissible so I'd like to know how it's done, and
whether the internal O-rings are a standard size? Similarly, I don't know
which bit of the metering unit is the vac chamber, nor how to access it.
Finally, Irwin Armstrong. You offered to Email me a tuning guide. I'd be
very grateful for that, but please recover from your flu first. I already
have some gen on the pump and it seems OK. The address is
Thanks again, Dave Hill