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Triumph 75th Anniversary

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Triumph 75th Anniversary
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 10:16:01 -0000
Hi, Guys
It's my guess that the vast majority of you won't be able to get to BMIHT
in May for the Big Anniversary P*## Up. That's a shame - 'cos I'll be there
and I'm taking my camera.
The PLAN - though likely to change, as plans often do - is to take as many
piccy's of Triumphs of all ages and models and to put them into an
unofficial site that those of you who won't be in the UK at Gaydon can
visit. The concept, is maximum pictures, minimum words.
There's only one problem - well, two actually. I don't have enough space
with my ISP to post a site without having to pay extra bucks for the
priviledge and at this point, I don't know how big the site is likely to be
Has anyone out there got a few tens of megabytes floating around doing
nothing which they would be happy to host (free gratis) what I'm planning
to put together for everyone? If so, can you let me know how much space is
likely to be available, the URL and what compression format I should put
the pics into - GIF, TIFF, JPEG or whatever? As may be evident to those who
have already visited my own two sites with the tools and Triumph stories
therein - HTML, zipping files and piddling around with ws_ftp is not in my
skills portfolio/interest base and I don't plan to change any of that for a
while yet. I just create everything in Microsoft Publisher 97 and let the
cumulative knowledge of those programmers at Microsoft (within the
software) do the conversion into Web lingo and upload at the same time. I
know I asked a similar question recently about what I should look out for -
but I received only one reply which was helpful but a bit inconclusive from
a cyber world wearing a Triumph hat. More and on a larger front would be
more than helpful. I look forward to hearing from you all, but I must
stress that you should know you're dealing with the original congenital
idiot when it comes to computer TECHNIQUES

John Macartney

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