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Re: Smelly TR6

To: "Mark S. Lepore, MD" <>
Subject: Re: Smelly TR6
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 16:24:08 -0500
Organization: BRIT Inc.
References: <> <>
Mark S. Lepore, MD wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have a problem with my 1971 TR6.  It puts out some real smelly exhaust
> fumes. 

  My friend's first TR6 (RIP, thanks to a Festiva) had a problem
like this.

  The engine/gearbox were both leaking slowly, and the oil was landing
on top of the exhaust system. Once the exhaust got warm, there was
a constant smell of hot dirty oil that got into your clothes and
hair. I refused to ride in it after a while, but just when we were
making plans to fix it his girlfriend wrote off the car.

Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada

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