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[Drift] Triumph's Only

To: Peter Zaborski <>
Subject: [Drift] Triumph's Only
From: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 08:39:02 -0600
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Zaborski <> writes:

    Peter> I thought the price you were charged was just
    Peter> higher than the price on the web page. Are you
    Peter> saying now that he actually *quoted* you a price
    Peter> lower than the price you ended up paying?

Half-and-half.  I called him, he said yes, he had the item in
stock, and he asked where I got the info.  I told him the web,
and he said OK, took my CC and that was that.  When I got the
invoice, the price was different that that on the web.  It's
half my fault for not verifying it up front, but on the other
hand he probably should have said something, particularly
since the price on the web still hasn't changed.  I'll still
do business with him, I just have to remember to dot my I's
and cross my T's (which in my name counts for something ;-),
because I now know which side of the line the slack is on.
As I said, the parts were as promised, and they came promptly,
and the delta was only 5 bucks or so, so it's in the noise...


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