I had that problem, and came up with much the same solution,
only thing I use a tappet adjusting tool.
My one is a socket, with a screwdriver in the center, the
easy and very quick prociedure is.
1. put it on the nut, and undo.
2. turn the screwdriver bit clockwise untill it clicks.
3. turn it left five clicks for all triumph 4 and 6 cy cars.
4. hold the screwdriver bit, and do up the nut.
It now takes me 10 min including, all removal of plugs, and cover.
They are also set to a grater tolerance, and don't tap any more.
One note of warning if you have a dodgy valve spring, it may
be compressed before the tourke click sounds, if so don't tighten
it up so much.
You can also get ones with a micrometer ontop, to enable you to
adjust the cleaences without calibration.
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot