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Re: The LOS Award (was Re: young, younger, youngest?)

To: Andrew Mace <>
Subject: Re: The LOS Award (was Re: young, younger, youngest?)
From: (John McEwen)
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 17:49:11 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Hi Andrew:

I'll leave the advanced number crunching in your capable hands however I
assumed that the age - age thing would always be positive whether you're
older or younger than your car.  The idea would be that the closer to new
the car was when you acquired it would reflect on the condition you would
have had to deal with.

Have a go with the idea.  I think it could be a lot of fun and would
generate some interesting tales as people "vied for the honor".


>On Sun, 21 Dec 1997, John McEwen wrote:
>> Hi Andrew:
>> Did you ever think that you may have created a whole new category - LOS,
>> Length of Suffering.  What's even more significant is that this is SOL
>> backwards.  Does that sum us up?
>Very nicely, yes.
>> I think that the LOS annual award should be instituted for the SOLer who
>> has shown the greatest LOS based on the difference between his/her age at
>> purchase and the age of the LBC, plus the length of time he has owned the
>> vehicle. An appropriate formula might be:
>> Chronological Age (CA) minus Vehicle Age (VA) plus Years Owned (YO) = LOS
>> Therefore:   CA - VA + YO = LOS
>Goodness knows I'm no mathematician, but how about reversing the formula
>somewhat, i.e. subtracting the owner's age at time of purchase from the
>age of the car at time of purchase. Otherwise, the formula could actually
>penalize those of us who own cars older than ourselves. Case in point:
>Priscilla, the mighty 1952 Triumph Mayflower, is about one year OLDER than
>I. And I'll wager that similar situations might well exist amongst the
>ranks of sidescreen TR owners on the list and even some of you crazy
>young whippersnappers with your Spitfires. ;-)
>> I am quite sure that this will generate a completely meaningless number but
>> whoever gets the biggest one will win the "Smokefree Lucas Component
>> Award".
>Also, how will one factor in multiple car ownership -- those of us with,
>say, four or more (or twelve or more) Triumphs? Do we take an average,
>calculated LOS number or must we choose one and only one car on which to
>base our final figure? Or do those of us with more than one Triumph
>automatically get placed in a special category?
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>* Andrew Mace, President and                *
>*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
>* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
>*                     *
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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