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Re: The LOS Award (was Re: young, younger, youngest?)

To: John McEwen <>
Subject: Re: The LOS Award (was Re: young, younger, youngest?)
From: fred thomas <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 23:21:22 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <v01540b02b0c3734df130@[]>
John McEwen wrote:
> Hi Andrew:
> Did you ever think that you may have created a whole new category - LOS,
> Length of Suffering.  What's even more significant is that this is SOL
> backwards.  Does that sum us up?
> I think that the LOS annual award should be instituted for the SOLer who
> has shown the greatest LOS based on the difference between his/her age at
> purchase and the age of the LBC, plus the length of time he has owned the
> vehicle. An appropriate formula might be:
> Chronological Age (CA) minus Vehicle Age (VA) plus Years Owned (YO) = LOS
> Therefore:   CA - VA + YO = LOS
> I am quite sure that this will generate a completely meaningless number but
> whoever gets the biggest one will win the "Smokefree Lucas Component
> Award".
> John McEwen
> >birdy:
> >
> >> sorry but i was 6 when my dad bought the tr now sitting in my garage
> >>
> >Ken Gano:
> >
> >> > I have to jump in here.  Dad bought the TR3A I am now restoring when I
> >> > was 7.  (in 1959, you can figure the rest.)
> >
> >Dave Terrick:
> >
> >> > >Well,  DuperSude got me....  I was 15 when I got my TR4a.  I'm working
> >> > >... figure that means I've been a TR junkie for 23 years now. I'm 29.
> >
> >Wow. Didn't know there was such fierce competition for the "length of
> >suffering" awards. As some of you are no doubt tired of hearing from me,
> >I was just a bit over five years old in late 1958 when dad bought a
> >brand-new Triumph 10 sedan. That car is long gone, but I do still have
> >the Herald 1200 convertible that replaced the 10 in January 1964, and
> >most of the too many Triumphs that have come to me since then! :-)
> >
> >--Andy
> >
> >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> >* Andrew Mace, President and                *
> >*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
> >* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
> >*                     *
> >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

John, sounds very interesting and very promising, butjust how long have 
you been keeping this award to youself and not sharing it with the rest 
of the list ???

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