I took mine (same problem) to several people, most of whom said to weld
the sucker together and forget it. I finally found a guy who owned his
own garage and who used to be a head mechanic in a LBC dealership.
He drilled a small hole in the back of the fork and pushed the rest of
the taper pin out. I replaced it with a hardened pin and put another
split pin in at an angle to it for reinforcement.
It was simple to do and even I could do it! ;-)
Let me know how it comes out.
Michael Mason in St. Louis, TR6 WITH a clutch (works better that way!)
On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, John Duhart wrote:
> Hey All,
> I removed the tapper pin from the clucth fork yesterday and of course it
>was cracked. The problem no is that I still cannot remove the fork from the
>clutch shaft. I suspect a peice of the tapper pin is preventing it from
>slidding off. I can move it slightly but that's it.
> How can I get the tapper pin out, or can I just push it in?
> Later,