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FW: R&R Crankshaft sprocket

To: triumphs
Subject: FW: R&R Crankshaft sprocket
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 17:39:51 -0700 (MST)
Apporved: Get.Real
[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:    Non-member submission from ["William West" 

     Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 18:45:29 -0700
     From: "William West" <>
     Subject: R&R Crankshaft sprocket

Greetings again!

Ok, I'm slowly piecing together my inherited '78 1500 (racing) Midget.  Just
today, I discovered, buried in one of the many boxes, a brand spanking new
crankshaft sprocket.

This is good considering I was just informed that since I have a new cam
sprocket, that I need a new crank sprocket.  My question, though, is just
how in the heck do I get that sprocket off of the crankshaft? There is what
appears to be  a half circle key holding the assembly together, but how do I
remove this thing.  And even more importantly, how do I get it back

Will (who is now reluctantly disassembling his main bearing caps and
connecting rod caps to use a wee-bit o'locktite, since most people suggested
that it was a good idea...One step forward, two steps back..ahhh, the story
of my life...sheesh)

PS.  Those duel webers sitting in the box next to me are looking more and
more menacing...

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