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Re: Route 66

To: Phil Smith <>
Subject: Re: Route 66
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 17:21:42 -0800
Cc: Andrew Mace <>, Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Phil Smith wrote:
> > Nelson Riddle tape
> >into the cassette player (his theme music for the show makes for really
> >great driving music for those of us at that certain age and musical
> Brother Joe Curry, Who in the heck is Nelson Riddle? My Dad use to love
> the Lawrence Welk show every Saturday;is Nelson of the same Elk, is he
> big band? I'm old enough to have heard of him and his music, but I
> haven't? I love music except Rap,and heavy metel, and even really like
> Elevator music!
> Phil Smith
> Tampa, FL.
> 69 TR6
Nelson Riddle is (or was, I don't know if he is still alive) a band
leader that was employed in the '60's to perform the theme songs for
quite a number of TV shows.  If memory serves me correctly (I'm arming
myself for attack in case I'm wrong) he performed the Route 66 theme. 
And also, I think it was Henry Mancini who wrote the tune.

Anybody out there know if this is correct?  I'm sure I will hear if not.

Joe Curry  (Still rocking to the Motion Tunes emerging from the 8-track
I had in my 67 Camaro)

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