Thanks for your response John. In response to your suggestions:
The points, plugs, ignition wires, dist. cap, condenser, rotor and coil are
new (less than 1000 miles). The distributor does not seem to wobble, and
everything else seems to be in order, but my question is more why the rotor
is 180 degrees from where it should be at TDC when the ignition wire order is
correct according to the manual and all other TRs I have seen? I will feel
better once the engine is set up to spec even if it still misses; at least it
is one less thing that stands out! Rotating the distributor shaft and
changing the ignition wire order may correct one condition but things are
still not yet to spec as the wire order is incorrect.
My thought was that rotating the crankshaft one revolution and reinstalling
the timing chain will get the rotor position in the correct orientation
without having to rearrange the ignition wires, but will anything change to
not let the engine run properly?
In looking at the Bentley manual, they mentioned that fine pitch adjustments
can be made by changing the orientation of the camshaft gear on the camshaft
spindle(turning the front side of the gear to face the back) and I thought
that a misadjustment of this might be causing the missing, but certainly do
not want to get into that without finding out more.
Thanks again