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RE: Spitfire Misfire?

To: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, "'Andrew Lindeman'" <>
Subject: RE: Spitfire Misfire?
From: Bill Munts <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 08:23:23 -0500
Hey Andy,

Welcome to the 1970 Mk3 club, there are a few of use on the list.  My car is 
badged as follows;

Bullseye on the front left of the bonnet (expensive little bugger)
Spitfire on the rear quater panels
Triumph on the right corner of the boot - block letters

I'm pretty sure that is how the badges are supposed to be.  I have found this 
year of Spitfire to be great fun because it is a bit of a Mk3 and Mk4.

Good luck

Bill M.
'70 Mk3 Spitfire
Huntsville, AL

From:   Andrew Lindeman[]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 22, 1997 11:34 PM
Subject:        Spitfire Misfire?

I am the proud owner of a 1970 Triumph Spitfire (For 31 hours now).  It
is upon close inspection a very unique little Spitfire.  This was the
last year of the round tail Spitfire, and a very unque year in it's own
right.  The car has decent original paint, has never been involved in an
accident, no cracks in the dash, and a very clean interior.  It also
came with a black vinyl hardtop from Custom Tops of Chicago.  What makes
me scratch my head most about the car is the badges.  Obviously from the
shape of the body it is a Mark III, but the badge on the bonnet says
SPITFIRE IV.  The boot badge say TRIUMPH, with nothing else noted.  It
also has a badge on either side or the rear quater-panels, which on not
in good enough repair to be legible.  Everything that I've read to date
has indicated that the bonnet should be mark Spitfire Mk3 on the front
left.  The Boot should have the standard cursive marking instead on the
block letters on mine.  And the quater panels should have the Spitfire
bulls-eye symbols, which they are definiatly not.  Has anyone else out
there had any experience with this unique year?

Andy L.

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