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Sorry to say bye for a while...

To: Triumph Mailing List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Sorry to say bye for a while...
From: Susan Hensley <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 16:37:30 -0500
Organization: Grote Consulting
Hi all!

I have to pop off the list for a while due to my gearing up for a
national ad we are about to run for my work.  Things are heating up, and
I just don't have the time to spend on the list right now (much as I
would like to!!!).  Please email me directly if you need to contact me.

Thanks!  Snif.

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley   %)

1968 Spit Mk3 Elliott
1967 race Spit Tristan
1973 GT6 Mk3 Nameless
Monster Jeep!
1993 rock-steady, reliable Honda

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  • Sorry to say bye for a while..., Susan Hensley <=