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Thrust SSC

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Thrust SSC
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:05:06 -0400 (EDT)
Hi all,
I just read that Thrust SSC took over 100,000 'man' hours to construct,
so no more complaints about how much time/money your Triumph swallows up!
Congragulations to the team on their achievement of 764.168 mph so far!
and Good Luck for tommorrow
Perhaps we should also take time out to congragulate the ever enthusiastic 
Craig Breedlove on his 531 mph,no mean feat in itself...
(How fast does your car go?)
Talking of time spent on restoration projects,on Sunday I visited the
historic 1907 Brooklands race circuit & museum & took a look at progress on
the WWII Wellington bomber being restored there,it is coming on a treat,this
being the aircraft recovered in 1983,(I think),from Loch Ness by an American
underwater survey team.
(It was put down on the loch in the 1940's after engine failure,without loss
of life),and so far,the restoration team have spent about 97,000 'man' hours
on that project.
They are giving away/taking donations,for unusable small pieces of wire or
aluminuim wire clips from the aircraft as souvenirs to visitors,so now I'm
wondering exactly  where I can attach this slightly corroded aluminium clip
from 'R for Robert' as the Wellington is known,on my Triumph as a good luck
(suggestions not required!)
All the Best
Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club International

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