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Re: Soft Top

To: Triumph Mailing List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Soft Top
From: Susan Hensley <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:39:38 -0500
Organization: Grote Consulting
Zink wrote:
> Mark A. Bunce wrote:
> >
> >       I have a 1970 Spit that I put an after market top on in 1975.
> > Now the
> > windows are hazy and brownish in color. The top is in good shape. Can
> > the
> > windows be replaced or due I need a new top.  

Hi Mark et al,

There is a two-step (two bottles) plastic polish made by Novus, I think,
and it is available at Wal-Mart here for about $5.  I would rather spend
$5 to see if it works than replace the whole thing without trying!  I
have some, but have never used it yet, so can't comment on it.  Also, I
know there is another one-step product out there that kept a 1986
Maserati top rear window looking almost new (manager of a Kwik Kar I
stopped at one day uses it) and I can get the name of it for you, if you
like.  It was about $8.  Look around and see what you can find before
you scrap the windows!  Then again, if the window is very yellowed, it
may be too deep into the plastic to fix and a replacement would probably
be in order.

Best of luck!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley   %)

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