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going away because....

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: going away because....
From: Dave Terrick <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:44:01 -0500
OK guys,  this is it.

My mailbox is now overflowing with trivial arcenic-laced insult trading.
It's time to purge the log of this rot.

No, censorship is not apropriate,  I will simply lurk for a while.  This
means I will likely not read or respond to anything on the list unless I am
in a "very good" mood.  The Appearance of  a nasty note will trigger my
lucas like breakdown switch and my email screen will go blank.

I am interested in talking about Triumphs.  Not grammar.  Not income.  Not
Pebble Beach.  Nor do I wish to read the same post 15 times as it seems all
replies include the original posting.  Often this results in a horrible
waste of time and space.  And,  if the post was on any of the above
categories,  a compounding of the annoyance.

For those who have questions about TR6 restorations (I've done two body
offs),  GT6 (one), or wish to talk about TR3 or $a  (sorry, 4A) resto's
please mail me directly.  Friendly banter is OK too.  I love to talk about
the snow we get!  All you need to do is cc  (or bcc) your message to  

The above will allow me to read what people want <me> to read  and ensure
<you> of an insult free reply.

If we all did this we would have many "mini lists" and this main list would
be simply a nuisance grounds for all to dump to.   I'm sure this is not why
Mark edits the list - his time is valuable too - so the above should be
considered only as a last reaort.

If I am a minority of one on this issue then only I will change my ways.
If there are others out there feeling the same as I do then maybe we will
see a change in the attitude of the list in the next week or so.

Amnesty to all those involved in any of the previous ranting,

Dave Terrick
now lurking

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