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Re: Porsche

To: William West <>
Subject: Re: Porsche
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 12:38:18 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
William West wrote:
> >----------
> >Good,  however, I already own a Porsche.
> >But you wouldn't know anything about that.
> >I guest we can't expect much from someone who can not even afford
> >his own email account.
> Sorry to all the decent people on this list for further contributing to this
> thread, but this "megalomaniacal" Hopkins bonecracker is really pushing my
> buttons.  As I said before, this sort of high-browed economic elitism has been
> the pariah of other factions of the British car organizations for quite some
> time.
> Doctor, I really don't give a damn how much money you've invested into your
> cars, nor do I care whether or not a person can afford a computer, email
> accounts or any of the other useless toys that we take for granted. We are
> here because we share an appreciation of LBC's, not to bolster our egos by
> such 'pocket-book-tauntery'. Frankly, I'd much rather take a ride with a
> serious enthusiast who can hardly afford to keep his rubber-bumper Midget on
> the road, than some wanna-be, image-conscious  money grubber whose identity
> exists hardly beyond his own bank account.
> In addition to my British cars, I ride a '69 TR6C motorcycle.  No where, with
> the exception of the Yuppie Brand-New, matching saddle bag Harley crowd, have
> I ever experienced the classist BS that we *occasionally* see with the car
> enthusiasts, and as such, there seems to be a greater solidarity between the
> Brit-Iron crowd than the LBC crowd.  And although I ride an old Limey bike,
> even the serious Harley riders, famous for their fervent mechanical
> nationalism, will stop to assist, give the thumbs up, and extend pint lifting
> invitations regardless of one's standing on the economic ladder.  The
> nose-propped snobbery that you seem to enjoy flaunting at every opportunity is
> not part of the ball game, so to speak, and everyone has a better time
> thereby.
> I am happy to say that the vast majority of LBC enthusiasts are more like my
> motorcycle friends. The people on this list and the british cars list are
> always pleasant, always helpful and there exists a feeling of brotherhood
> despite our economic differences. That is, until you showed up.  As I said
> before, these cars were manufactured with joe-sixpack in mind.  They were not
> intended to be the stomping ground of over-priced, over-paid witch doctors
> such as yourself.  There are other enthusiast groups where you and your ego
> might fit in a little better; perhaps you should consider hanging with them,
> as it is apparent, based on the overwhelming number of negative responses to
> your posts,  that you are not welcome here.
> Will (who can barely afford to keep his Spitfire on the road---please forgive
> me, my Lord)
> 76 Spitfire
> 78 Midget
> 69 TR6C
> 59 Humber Super Snipe

Careful how you loosely throw my name around...  Although I have been 
known to associate with worse company than "6-Packs)

Joe Curry  '63 Spit

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