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Re: Gobble-Gobble, Eh?

To: David M Brock <>, Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Gobble-Gobble, Eh?
From: Rodney Orr <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 11:23:35 -0600
Happy Thanksgiving from Edmonton - where the temperature is barely above
0deg and dropping - not sure if I'll get the TR6 out or not.  I can
honestly say though, that I had the top down every day but one since spring.  
>From the amount of NOISE and verbal sniping on the list this week there
must an awful lot of lbc drivers having to put their cars away for winter
and going through some very severe withdrawal.  Or was it the equivalent of
those drive-by shootings we hear about in the news.

Rod.  '70 TR6  CC55899L     Safe but cold in Edmonton.

At 20:15 10-10-97 -0400, David M Brock wrote:
>Just thought I'd drop a note to wish all the other Canadians on the list a
>Happy Thanksgiving Weekend.
>May the weather be nice enough here in Canada so that we can leave
>the tops down without looking like turkeys.
>...but if not, Gobble-Gobble!
>;-David  -  73 Spit FM3812U
>David Brock                    Help Desk Consultant
>          University of Western Ontario

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