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Full Moon

To: Triumph Mail List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Full Moon
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 19:32:36 -0700
Organization: Curry Enterprises

Is there a full moon tonight?

I'm in the Seattle area and as usual, it's so cloudy, you can't tell.

I ask because I left the office late morning and checked my EMAIL just
before I left.  I got back and found 61 messages.  Most were on buzzers,
vanity plates and Show cars.

Enough already.  We've beat those subjects into the ground.  Can't we 
talk about something more relevent?  Something like hiring Male Waiters
in Hooters or something like that.

By the way.  while typing this message, 8 more have come in.

Joe |Curry  '63 Spit

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