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Re: Plinth

Subject: Re: Plinth
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 10:08:04 -0700
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Justin Ltd.
References: <> wrote:
> Peter,
> I ordered the dash plinth from TRF a few months ago. (it's still sittiing in 
> garage waiting patiently for the TR4 to jump under it.)
> For the $46.00 I got a piece of metal plate.
> I expect I'll fabricate a new plate when I get around to installing it.
> As for return policy... I also ordered a dash pad set at the same time.  One
> piece came in creased.  I called and they said the piece was not available, 
> to send in the bad one.  I asked to be notified when the piece was available,
> and told them I'd hang onto the creased one until that time.
> Last month when I called they informed me the piece (lower rt) was still not
> available, and that the return time limit had expired!  They were gracious
> enough to say that I could mail it back at my expense ( did that) and that 
> would put it on back order for me.  We'll see.
> Also, I think I finally tracked down a shop manual form the model car company
> someone posted last week.  I ordered it and we'll see if it's really a Bently
> when it arrives.  TRF still has these back ordered and none of the other 
> the list gave me had one in stock either.  Thanks to all for the effort.
> Robert Houston
> 63 TR4....waiting for the miracle of imaculate restoration...

I recall, in 1977, ordering a center plinth for my TR 4A...  I received
a piece of plastic... no steel backing... it was a factory part... so I
was confused... then found... it was a TR 4 plinth, not a 4A... 
My question is... if you have a TR 4... and what you recieved was
Plastic... isn't this original equipment?   

(I did hang on to that plinth, by the way, for over a decade... but,
alas, I sold it a couple years ago in it's orgiinal box.  :)

Los Angeles

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