> >Jonathan
> These valve guide seals are the ones used on Austin/Morris 1100/1300's I
> These were not used on alot of other A-series engines where a simple O-ring
> used to stop 'some' oil running down the guides. I seem to recall that the
> proper application may have had a groove around the top of the guide for the
> seal to grip whereas the Triumph valve guide is smooth.
> Hmmmm, I wonder what type of valve guide oil seal the Mazda uses?????? :-)
> Cheerio
> Rich
Yes that makes sense Rich, on the smooth Triumph valve guide the base
of the seal doesn't seem to grip and is pulled straight off as the
valve stem moves up through it. The internal diameter of the base of
the seals also seems slightly too small for the valve guides. John
Kipping seems to sell the same seals for all the small chassis
Triumphs. Maybe the top of the valve guide is slightly wider on a
1500 head than on a Herald etc.?