Trevor wrote:
> wrote:
> >If I remember correctly the author also listed which
> >countries, and there are quite a few, still drive on the
> >left side.
> "Still" drive on the left side?
> Where I live we drive on the right, but I wouldn't
> say that's the One True Side of the road, and everyone
> else is behind the times.
> Trevor Boicey
> Ottawa, Canada
Trevor, exactly why I want to find the article. Seems that before motor cars
(and that is for about 2000 years vs 100 yrs) - almost everyone "drove" on
the left side. It had something to do with the carriage drivers' position.
The article outlines the whole thing very nicely. Someone else must have
seen it in one of the British or Triumph magazines. I hope! Cheers.