Dear Doug,
Have you heard of the Triumph Sports Six Club?
Over the last 10+? years the TSSC has developed one of the most competitive
Insurance schemes specifically aimed at younger people like you who are
having difficulty finding sensible priced motor insurance for
GT6/Vitesse/Spitfire & Herald cars.
I am not trying to sell you anything here,but take a look/ask for a quote
please,you should be pleasantly surprised.
TSSC has 16,000 members right now,and 80% of them are insured through the
club scheme,including me! When I changed from an ordinary insurance company
to the club scheme,the agreed value on my car rose from 2000 GBP to 4000
GBP,my insurance premium fell from 450GBP/year to 200GBP/year and I get FREE
breakdown cover in Britain and on the continent,and free Green cards when
taking my car abroad! Admittedly,I'm 38 now,but I know from talking to my
fellow younger TSSC members that they are very happy with the TSSC
scheme,even taking into account the fact that they have to join the club and
get their car valued by the club,the savings are very substantial.
Many other car clubs,for different marks than Triumph have followed TSSC's
example and now offer their members similar schemes for their own types of
Incidentally,my Concours Vitesse,insured at an 15,000GBP agreed value has
added only another 100 GBP/annum to my premium,and although a summer-only
car,by my choice,is not on a mileage limit!
ps.I see you live in Surrey,well why not pop along,in any car etc,it doesn't
have to be a Triumph!,to one of our TSSC Surrey area meetings,held at
The Inn On The Pond PH,Nutfield Marsh,near Merstham,on the A25 close to
Redhill in Surrey.
We meet from 8pm onwards on the second and fourth Wednesday nights each
month,next meeting Weds 27th August,we have several GT6 owners attending
,including one of the best GT6-2 (GT6+ in USA) in the country.
We don't bite,honestly,just ask for the triumph Club members if you can't
spot us!
(you shouldn't have any trouble there!)
Also be sure to check out the TSSC web site at
or phone them on 01858-434424 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am-1pm
FAX 01858-431936
I look forward to seeing you at a meeting soon,come & say hi to me!
Leon F Guyot TSSC International Liaison Secretary,81-2119.