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Re: (Fwd) Spit wheel studs

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Spit wheel studs
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 30 Jun 1997 08:13:24 -0400
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     Spit (and GT-6) studs are not all that robust to begin with...and 
     after a few heavy handed wrench turners apply torque with the famous 
     56" lug nut tightener (or the 1200 psi impact wrench) it is to be 
     expected that the studs should give up the ghost...
     Recommend replacing the original studs (and nuts) with TR-6 studs (and 
     nuts) which can take a little more abuse.  It is important to note, 
     the TR-6 has bigger nuts than the Spit...ahhhh...I mean......
     76 Spit
     73 GT-6
     72 TR-6
     69 GT-6+ (2)  

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Subject: (Fwd) Spit wheel studs
Author: at Internet
Date:    6/29/97 3:36 PM

I have just been out for a drive in my GT6, I came across a broken 
down Spitfire MkIV. I stopped to offer assistance and found that all 
four wheel studs had sheared on the O/S rear wheel. Has anyone else 
experienced all four studs shearing?.
Granted, this Spit was in a rather ropey condition but I haven't 
known this happen before myself.

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